Information for clients as consumers

Out-of-court dispute resolution
The Czech Bar Association has been authorised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to arrange for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes between an attorney-at-law and a consumer arising from a legal services agreement, on the basis of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended. The website of the Czech Bar Association as the authorised entity is

Price of the legal services
The price of individual legal services is set between the Law Office and the client in the position of consumer after an individual agreement, taking into account the client’s requirements and, in particular, the complexity of the entire case and its specific context. The form of the fee is also negotiated individually and in agreement with the client.

If a contractual fee is not agreed in exceptional cases, clients are charged a non-contractual fee according to Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll., on fees of attorneys-at-law and reimbursement of expenses incurred by attorneys-at-law in provision of legal services, as amended (the Attorney’s Tariff). The amount of a non-contractual fee is determined on the basis of the rates of non-contractual fees per legal service and the number of legal services provided by the attorney in the given case.

Proof of legal service and complaints
At the client’s request, the Law Office issues a proof of the provision of the legal service, also specifying the date of provision of the service. In the event of a complaint concerning the legal service, the Law Office will provide the client with a written confirmation stating when the client (as a consumer) exercised the right, the content of the complaint and the manner in which the client wished the complaint to be resolved.